
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Day After Tomorrow

       This film marked a very interesting time in my life. There I was, bored in Mexico, nothing to do when suddenly my aunt brings over a DVD copy of The Day After Tomorrow . So, with nothing else to do I decide to watch it. And then I watched it again. And then again. You get the idea. This film just clicked for me, but I think the reason it truly clicked for me was because it introduced me to Jake Gyllenhaal who would go on to become a big part of my love of film. In a way, this film is what made me fall in love with film in general because of the performance of Gyllenhaal and the way it showed me that you didn’t need crazy explosions or superheroes and space battles to make a movie exhilarating. I know that this film was a miss for many but let me just try to persuade you to give it another chance by talking about all the good that the film does.             The main reason why you should give this film a ...

Good Boys

       Good Boys must be one of the more interesting films I have ever reviewed because while I am typically not a fan of gross-out humor, I found this one hilarious. The screenplay is perfection because when you consider that the characters are supposed to be in sixth grade, the little jokes and misunderstandings and mispronunciations amongst them is equal parts logical and funny. What I enjoyed the most about this film is that it does not just rely on its disgusting humor, but it uses that humor to compliment a story that is actually full of a lot of heart and has some great messages. The irony in the fact that kids cannot actually watch this is not lost on me because it really does have great life lessons that many kids would benefit from. Kids need to understand that friendship is important, and that being popular is not the end all be all of school or even life. It is important for kids to see that it is okay to chase what you want, and to not give up on what yo...


       I don’t think that we will ever fully escape the pop culture phenomenon that is Twilight , and with it being a hot topic again, I figured it was time to revisit the 2008 blockbuster and see how well it holds up in 2020. Okay, where do I begin? I have some major issues with this film, but I think my biggest issue with it is that Bella Swan is absolutely the worst protagonist to ever be presented in such a mainstream film. My main issue with Bella is that she makes no decisions for herself. Throughout the entire film everyone else decides her fate for her, and when she finally does want to make decisions for herself, it is simply because she thinks that it will help her relationship with Edward. It sends a bad message to anyone watching. She is also rescued at every turn of the film. She presents no real value to the film except for being the character that needs everything explained to, which brings me to my next issue, the exposition. There is so much expositi...


     Let us talk about the film that would go on to be Alfred Hitchcock’s magnum opus. To many, Hitchcock is the greatest director of all time, and Psycho is widely regarded as his greatest film, so it would not be a surprise to know that Psycho is one of the greatest films ever made. Even still, it was a film that not many wanted to be made. Paramount wanted another mystery/thriller type film a la North by Northwest , but Hitchcock was so adamant about wanting to make Psycho that he ended up financing it himself. That level of belief that he had in himself is one of the reasons why the film turned out the way it did. He pulled no punches and made decisions that at the time simply sounded insane, but those decisions made for a fantastic film.             The first act of Psycho feels nothing like what the film would go on to be. It starts off like many Hitchcock films do. You are introduced to your main protagonis...

Blog Update

    Okay, obviously I have been away from the blog for quite some time, but I was just incredibly busy and overwhelmed with finishing up my degree. Now with that taken care of, I wanted to come back to this, but there will be some changes. For starters, I have gotten very comfortable with doing star ratings from half a star to five stars, so that will be the rating system that I use going forward. Secondly, this blog will no longer be limited to just new films. I will be reviewing film, television seasons, books, and the occasional video game. Finally, since this will no longer cover just new films, it should be easier for me to write reviews on things, so I plan on releasing a new review every Friday. I hope you all enjoy these changes and I hope you continue to support the blog. I appreciate you all greatly.