
Showing posts from July, 2021


                    I love watching films that I go into blind that end up being one of the best films I end up seeing all year, and that was the case with the film Searching . I knew virtually nothing about this film, and basically just watched it off the recommendation of my sister-in-law; She did not disappoint with her recommendation. Let me start off by saying that this film will not be enjoyed by everyone for one very important reason, it is shot in a strange way. It utilizes that filming style where rather than looking like it is filmed on a traditional camera, everything that you see is on a computer screen, and you only see the film through a webcam, or found footage from sites such as YouTube, or other video sites. It takes a bit to get used to, and if you are someone that does not enjoy found footage films, you will probably have a hard time enjoying this film, especially since the entire film is seen through a compu...